Astra Trans Carpatic IC2

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  • Astra Trans Carpatic (ATC) IC2 DMU for regional services

    Originally ordered by Danish State Railways (DSB), they did not have a long service life - only 2012 to 2016. After that, ATC showed interest in buying them from DSB. In 2017 three IC2 trains were bought and sent to Romania and repainted in ATC colours.
    There are two daily departures from Bucharest to Brasov and back with the IC2. The interior has been left almost as it was when owned by DSB (many signs are still in Danish), while the exteriour received a new paint layer.

    This pack includes zoom2 and opening doors
    Datum des Uploades
    25. Dezember 2019
    Version des Uploads:
    • ATC

      application/zip, 25,79 kB (4.202 Downloads)

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